Morgan Industries
Corporate motto: Greed is good!
CEO Nawbudike Morgan
Advantages, give him Status 6 (leader of a major faction) and Merchant Rank 6 (President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Morgan Industries.
Disadvantages and skills seem to be fine.
Pre-Planetfall bio is fine.
After Planetfall, Nawbudike Morgan found himself in command of one of the smallest and most fractious factions on Planet. Unlike most of the other faction leaders, he had lacked the time to build up a cadre of devoted followers and to make serious plans before Planetfall. During the Unity crisis, Morgan was forced to scramble to gather together as many people as he could find, and commandeer one of the escape pods.
After landing on Planet, Morgan began to play out his long term strategy for domination. Although he was the leader during the desperate flight to the surface, he quickly renounced his role, and encouraged his fellow colonists to set up as democratic a government as possible. Of course, due to his reputation for successfully saving the colonists during the disaster, and his political skills, Morgan was able to win election after election. He never ran for the overall leadership of the colony, but he consistently won positions where he would be responsible for economic matters, and made sure to keep enough general political clout that whoever was the nominal leader at the time could not afford to disregard him.
Morgan quickly steered "his" colony into a free-market ideal. Within this framework, he set up several businesses, using his political power to avoid anti-monopoly crusades. Within 40 M.Y., Morgan was in command of most of his colony's economic activity, and Morgan himself was quickly rebuilding his fortune. It was at this point that he consolidated most of his companies, which had previously been mostly controlled through shells and proxies, into the Morgan Industries umbrella. Then, in M.Y. 2160, Morgan's colony finally came into contact with other colonists. Although the Morganites had had sporadic radio contact with other colonies for some time, this was the first time that major commerce and travel between Morgan's colony and other factions was possible. In fact, Morgan's colony ended up being connected to both the Peacekeepers and the University almost simultaneously, and for some time served as one of the primary links between them. Morgan capitalized immensely on this strategic position, insuring that a significant fraction of all trade between the factions was conducted under his aegis. In addition, he immediately began to expand his business empire into the bases of the other factions. Morgan Industries proved quite capable in both the construction of large scale engineering enterprises and in small scale production capacities, and Morgan quickly doubled and redoubled the size of his company and his personal fortune.
At every turn, Morgan acted to use his wealth and political skills to gain influence in the other factions. He funded research grants for major University leaders, and backed Pravin Lal's peacekeeping initiaves whenever possible. He soon expanded beyond the University and the Peacekeepers, as advancing infrastructure soon brought all the factions into contact with one another. The desertion of the Cybernetic Consciousness section of his company has set him back somewhat in the computer technology sector, but Morgan is nothing if not resourcful, and he is quickly making up the difference. Morgan now has branches in almost every faction's bases, and his company is one of the backbones of the Planetary economy.
Morgan Industries is democratic, but their democracy is based around the shareholder system, with more shares translating to more votes. Morgan himself has a slight majority share in Morgan Industries, the umbrella corporation that he uses to run his vast business empire. However, he does not usually have majority shares in other companies he controls, usually contenting himself with pluralies of the shares, and making sure that he has very solid controls on the members of the board and any other significant shareholders. Since the C^3 desertion, he has increased this policy, usually refusing to appoint any but the most fanatically loyal to high corporate positions, and making sure to have plans ready to counter any sudden buyout attempts of major subdivisions. Nonetheless, his lack of domination of boards, and his policy of granting stock options as part of bonuses and salaries means that the average Morgan Industries employee has a decent chance of having at least some say in how the corporation is run.
The Morganites are the most agressively free market faction on Planet. They believe that true economic efficiency only comes when all economic players are totally free from coercion. Morgan has encouraged this attitude, although it is not actually one he totally holds to himself. Morgan is quite happy to use his economic power to force out competitors through political means. However, he is always careful to conceal activities such as this, and the average Morgan Industries employee is a firm believer in free enterprise.
The Morganites primary social goal is, of course, wealth. The faction sees wealth as the key to success, happiness, and power. A Morgan Employee's social status is heavily linked to wealth, and few Morganites are unwilling to turn down an opportunity to make a credit. Morgan himself sees wealth as the key to eventually ruling Planet, and he intends to be the one to get that key, no matter how many competitors he has to agressively buy out in the process.
Morgan Industries is currently pursuing several lines of research designed to ultimately improve the human species, using a combination of genetic, cybernetic, and psionic technology. The average faction member is eagerly awaiting this prospect, and it promises to make the company even more wealthy.
Morgan Industries has citizens who are amoung the wealthiest on Planet. The average Morgan employee is Wealthy, and the most rich have Multimillionaire 2. The company's research into human improvement promises to increase this to an even greater degree.
The Morganites are fairly efficient. Most corporate agents have a fair degree of freedom to make decisions, which reduces beauracracy. Also, Morgan believes in a strong recycling effort, to prevent unnessecary wastage.
Morgan Industries tends to grow fairly quickly. Many talented members of other factions want to join the company in order to get rich, and the high standard of living of the average faction member promotes a high birth rate. As the research into improving the human condition proceeds, this will probably increase to even higher levels.
Morgan Industries are only moderately productive on an industrial level. Currently, the company specializes in consultancy, providing talented managers for projects instituted by other factions. Nonetheless, Morganite goods are about 10% cheaper than the Planetary average, and most bases have at least a small Morgan Market, where various consumer products can be purchased. As Morgan's human improvement programs procede, Morgan Industries will probably be able to produce more, using fewer, more talented staff.
Morgan Industries employees are usually not particularly interested in combat training. The company has a strong "better to throw money then men at a problem", and this also leads to fairly poor morale in troops fielded by Morgan. As the human improvement is implemented, the general unwillingness to use violence will probably reduce this even further.
Unfortunately, Morgan tends to take a dim view of ecological concerns, and he very rarely takes protecting the native ecosystem into account when planning his actitivies. This means that fungus and mind worms tend to be a serious threat at the few bases that Morgan Industries actually controls, and Morganite projects usually have to deal with frequent attacks.
Morgan Industries imposes very vew controls over its employees. Only serious threats to security, such as dangerous weapons and heavy drugs, are forbidden.
The Morganites are strictly average when it comes to espianoge activities. They primarily focus on industrial espianoge, attempting to gain a commercial advantage by stealing new research and intercepting business plans. Morgan Industries has mediocre internal security, with few members of the company being truly fanatically loyal to it.
Morgan Industries is also about average in research. It generally relies on buying or stealing new research from other factions, then selling it as widely as possible, rather than making discoveries of its own.
Very few employees of Morgan Industries join the company's permanent military forces. The company only employs about 1.5% of its people in this manner. Generally, in the rare cases when Morgan goes to war, he bolsters his forces from allied factions and mercenaries.
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