Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Human Hive

Not crazy, just drunk. I kid, I kid. They're actually high...

Also, just as a note: I'm reducing the penalty to Police from the Free Market choice from -5 to -2. That way, Police State and Free Market balance out, which makes so much more sense, IMO. Other posts have been edited to fit.

Chairman Yang

Drop the Miliary Rank, give him the usual Administrative Rank 6 and Status 6. Other than that, he pretty much works as is.
For disadvantages, add Callous, I think.
Biography is basically the same.

The Human Hive is a repressive police state based around furthering the ideology of its leader, Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang. Yang's basic philosophy is the same as that laid out for him in the game. However, Yang has chosen a somewhat different way of following it in this version of Alpha Centauri.

The Hive is a police state. All decisions are made by Yang and his cadre of loyal followers, and the average citizens are expected to follow them without question or explanation. The Hive uses strong police forces and extensive secret police networks to insure obdience. Yang ruthlessly crushes disent or challenges to his rule.
Although its government is authoritarian, the Hive's economy is basically open. Yang believes that competition and struggle produce more benefit for society than a completely controlled economy. Yang actively encourages talented people to become more wealthy; while taxes are high for the wealthy, there are a plethora of other social benefits that are granted by economic success, and many faction members attempt to enter the business world. However, the Hive does not allow everyone to freely participate. A citizen of the Hive who wants to enter the world of free enterprise must first pass several apptitude tests, both practical and academic, and then serve a five-year apprenticeship with a successful economic leader (having access to such cheap help is one of the perks of economic success), before being allowed to participate in the economy on their own. Only about 10% of the Hive's citizens actually have the right to participate in the mangement of businesses. Regular citizens are allowed to purchase goods how and where they want, however (subject to legality restrictions, of course).
Yang has become convinced (particularly in light of recent military failures) that the route to true domination of Planet lies not in militarily overpowering his enemies, but by outcompeting them. For this reason, he has thrown open the Hive to the pursuit of wealth above all. The Hive uses its large population and strong industrial base to make itself invaluable to much of Planet's economic activies. Although it is not particularly advanced in technology, the Hive leads the world in production of cheap consumer goods, as well as providing labor and expertise for large-scale engineering projects.
Yang is directing his research goals towards both an impressive and a somewhat horrific future: he wishes to create a society where all the members support him unquestioningly. To that end, he encourages experiments in mind-controlling cybernetics, docilization drugs, the creation of obedient human subspecies, and the development of telepathy capable of controlling the masses.

The average Hive citizen is actually somewhat more wealthy than the Planet average. Yang's pursuit of wealth has led to increased standards of living for his people.
The Hive, unfortunately, is definitely less than efficient. Yang's paranoia insures that very little can get done without a fairly great deal of paperwork and consultation of superiors. Also, the faction's large industrial production means that most citizens find it easier to throw out a worn out item rather than recycle or repair it.
The Hive has a growth rate somewhat higher than the Planetary average (2.5%/year) - the government heavily encourages large families, and the citizens are accustomed to cramped, low-privacy conditions.
The Hive's industrial sector is the most productive on Planet. Drones are forced to work long, hard shifts for no wages beyond their basic subsistence needs, while Talents in charge of factories have major incentives to be as productive as possible. This all combines to create a large quantity of cheap goods. Hive goods are, on average, 40% cheaper than average.
The Hive's average citizen has little training in combat, since Yang distrusts anyone with military abilities who are not in the military. Hive troops are usually conscripts from the drones, which means that Hive forces are usually poorly trained. However, as Yang's policies of thought control progress, and he becomes more willing to trust the average citizen, and the ranks of the military can be filled by specially designed combat beings, this is likely to improve.
Hive bases are often troubled by mind worms and fungus, as their major industrial work tends to have a heavy effect on Planet's ecosystem. The Hive has almost no native life units that they have bred themselves, and most Hive citizens deeply distrust the native life, prefering to remain in sheltered bases or armored vehicles whenever possible.
The Hive's government is somewhat restrictive. Taxes and laws are moderatly onerous. However, Yang is forced to give his Talents some degree of freedom if they are to prosper economically. Drones, however, have very few rights of any kind, and are harshly controlled. As Yang's dreams of total domination are realized, the controls imposed on his society will no doubt increase, however.
The Hive is only average in the intelligence area. Hive probe teams are heavily indoctrinated, but few have particulary impressive equipment. On the home front, drones are often motivated to try to help foreign agents in Hive bases, and only their relative lack of contact with sensistive material prevents this from becoming a major problem. However, as the thought control ideal is realized, spying on the Hive will become more difficult, and Hive probe teams will have access to new techniques that will make them considerably better at espianoge themselves.
The Hive is average in the research game, neither leading the pack nor trailing the herd.
Yang maintains a large standing army, almost 5% of the population, primarily as a hedge against internal dissent. As his mind control plans progress, the size of this army will probably decrease as Yang's paranoia is reduced.


At 10:09 a.m., Blogger Eric Pedersen said...

Looks good. Solid write-up, makes him an interesting villian. And it's nice to know that police scores won't be retardedly low for most of the factions.

At 5:12 p.m., Blogger Kelly Pedersen said...

Thank you. Definitely agree on the Police score. Cutting out the biases, yay!
Incidently, check out the Steve Jackson Games Forums. I'm going to be posting rules questions there, so it would probably be a good idea to watch them, and contribute, if you feel inclined.

At 9:46 p.m., Blogger Barend Venter said...

Just a note, the -5 police is there to model the effects of playing a democracy under the original Civ 2 game.

Huge economic boost but can't go to war without dealing with population unrest. Combining it with Police State lowers the drones per unit deployed while cutting the profits, making it a little more like a "republic" choice in Civ 2.

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