Thursday, July 21, 2005

Herald Magic, Part 3

You know, this is a lot easier than back in January. I wonder if the light levels have something to do with that? Oh, well, on with the stuff.

More discussion of Magery:

Magery, or at least the potential for it, seems to be inborn in Velgarth. You've pretty much either got Magery or not (barring extreme circumstances, of course. Like, say, having Gate energies accidently blasted back through you, after your lifebond used your energy to build the Gate. That should about do it. Not nessecarily the best way, of course).
Anyway, potential Magery seems to be obvious in Velgarth. A mage can read another mage, and determine how much potential they have, even if they haven't reached that potential yet. So, there really should be some way to represent this at character creation, even if the player doesn't want to take all the levels of Magery just yet. So, a new advantage: Potential Magery. Costs 2 points per level. Every 2 levels add to your IQ for purposes of learning spells and Thaumaturgy, but no other effects. However, if you later get the points, you can convert levels of Potential Magery into actual Magery, by paying the point difference. You still have to buy Magery 0 at full cost, though, no Potential Magery 0.
So, for example, Arden is a starting character, a Journeyman with Magery 1. He's paid 15 points so far, 5 for Magery 0 and 10 for Magery 1. However, his player wants him to have a fair bit of potential, so he pays another 10 points for Potential Magery 6. His IQ is increased by 4 (only 5 levels of Potential Magery, remember, rounding down) for purposes of learning spells and Thaumaturgy skill, on top of the +1 that his one level of Magery gives. Every 8 points Arden spends later on will raise his level of Magery by 1, up to a maximum of level 6.

Mages also seem to have something called reserves. This seems to be different than normal Fatigue, since they don't seem to recharge nearly as quickly. This is probably best modeled as such:

Mage Reserves
1 point/level
You have additional energy stores you can use to fuel spells. Each level of this advantage gives you one extra FP for purposes of casting spells only. However, these FPs, unlike your normal FP, do not recharge themselves with rest. Instead, you must charge them by spending regular FP. Futhermore, the conversion of FP to reserve FP is not perfectly efficient, meaning you must spend 3 regular FP, and make a successful Will roll, for each reserve FP you want to charge. If the Will roll fails, the normal FP are wasted, and your reserve is not charged. Each reserve FP recharged takes one second, and you must make a Concentrate manuever.
For example, Arden is a mage with Mage Reserves level 10, giving him 10 extra energy to spend on spells. He expends his reserve in a tough battle, and decides to recharge it quickly, in case he is attacked again. He has 15 normal FP. He takes 5 seconds, taking a Conentrate manuver and making a Will roll each second. All of his Will rolls are successful, leaving him with 5 FP in his reserve. However, he is now completely out of regular FP, and will have to wait for several minutes before his FP recharge, in order to put more FP into his reserve.
Energy from other sources, such as powerstones, manastones, ley lines, and nodes, cannot be used directly to rechage your reserve. Only your own FP are able to do so. However, the fast FP recovery aspects of Tap Ley Line and Tap Node can be used to more quickly charge a reserve.


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