Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Making my wordcount easier, I'm going to redo something I did already: Heralds stats for an RPG. This time, though, I'm going to use GURPS. Starting with the magic system.

Actually, the GURPS magic system already seems a better fit. It already uses the personal energy of the user, mages can cast healing spells if they learn them, priestly power works basically the same as magic, etc. First, the stuff that fits:

Magery is, of course, the Mage Gift. In the setting, it seems that Magery level zero can only be taken at character creation, or with special GM permission later on. A character with Magery zero is an apprentice, or a hedge wizard, or whatever. Higher levels of Magery represent higher levels of power: Magery 1 is Journeyman-level, Magery 2 is Master-level, and Magery 3 and above are Adept-level.
The background energy, ley-lines, and nodes are tapped by spells. Recover Energy is the basic spell here, allowing Magery 1 characters to tap the local magic.The next level is:

Tap Ley Line
By tapping a ley line, you make more magical energy available to yourself. Tapping a ley line first requires sensing a ley line, using Seek Magic. Once a ley line is determined, roll on Tap Ley Line, using the long distance modifiers. If successful, you can use the ley line to restore your fatigue faster than you could normally do. If you know this spell at skill 15 or higher, you reover 1 FP every minute. A mage who knows this spell at skill 20 or higher recovers 2 FP every minute. In addition, if you know this skill at 20 or higher, you can use the ley line's energy to power your spells instead of using your own power. You can draw energy from the ley line equal to your margin of success, up to the ley line's maximum energy. Ley lines usually range from 1 to 10 energy per second.

Modifiers: -1 for every 3 energy points per second a ley line can give. Larger ley lines are also harder to tap.

Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 6 to cast, 3 to maintain. Maintence cost can never come from the ley energy, only a caster's personal FP.
Time to cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Recover Energy, and Seek Magic

The third level:

Tap Node (VH)
By tapping a node, a place where several ley lines come together, you gain access to vast magical power. You must first find a node, using Seek Magic. Once the location of a node is determined, roll on Tap Node, using the long distance modifiers. If successful, you can use the node to restore your fatigue faster than you could normally do. If you know this spell at skill 15 or higher, you recover 2 FP every 3o seconds. If you know this spell at skill 20 or higher, you recover 2 FP every 15 seconds. In addition, if you know this spell at skill 25 or higher, you can choose to be treated as if you were in a very high mana area. Note that this includes the dangers of a very high mana area as well.
If you know this spell at a skill of 20 or higher, you can also use the node's energy to power your spells instead of using your own power. You can draw energy from the node equal to your margin of success, up to the node's maximum energy. Nodes usually range from 11 to 30 energy per second.

Modifiers: -1 per 5 energy per second a node can give.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 12 to cast, 6 to maintain. Energy from the node can never be used to maintain this spell.
Time to cast: 6 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Tap Ley Line


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