In Nomine Story, chunk 1
(1024 words)
From the Diary of Andrew Oleson
Monday, September 15th, 2008
Well, it looks like school is going to suck again this year. I got beat up for the third time this year. Not too hard, really. Just a couple bruises, and I ended up with a big ketchup stain on my new jeans where they stuffed me in the trash can. Stupid ketchup. The can was empty, why the fuck did there have to be ketchup in there.
Anyway, Ray and Chris got me out in a couple minutes. Which made the whole day worse, you know? Chris looked at me all pity-eyes, and grabbed me a towel from the bathroom to clean up. And Ray offered to track them down and beat them up, again. And I told him no, again. I don't know why I keep telling him no. And why I don't fight back. Ray keeps telling me "If you punched back, they'd back off". But I can't. It just feels icky. I guess I'm just too much of a softie. Or a coward.
And then the day got a lot worse. After they made sure I was alright, Chris and Ray went back to what they were doing before I interrupted. Fucking kissing. Again. They've been at it every day, every minute they can, since school started. I guess after Chris went off to Montana for the summer, they missed each other. You'd think they'd been dating forever instead of for nine months. And, of course, they're so wrapped up in each other that they don't even notice me. I walked out of there after I finished cleaning up, anyway.
Just because they're oblivious doesn't mean I'm going to sulk about it. Being all emo about it would be even more pathetic. "Hey, guys, look at me! I'm the loser you're ignoring! Stop ignoring me to laugh for a while." Yeah, that'll work great. Fuck anyway.
So after that, I went to English class. Which is a fucking joke, too. It's King Lear this year, for Shakespeare. Don't get me wrong. Nothing wrong with Shakespeare. Guy knew how to write a sentence. But the teacher can't teach it. He's all "Let's read five lines, and then explore my personal theories about the deep fucking meaning of them." Jesus. You can tell he's a failed author. He decided that if he couldn't write, he'd become a critic, and pick apart the thoughts of everybody who could. And when he couldn't make it even as that, he went to teach highschool.
So, anyway, we sat there for a retarded hour reading, like, half of one scene, and you can tell everybody's bored as an abortion doctor in Salt Lake City. Of course, nine tenths of the class are so deeply stupid that they wouldn't get it if Kenneth Brannagh and Judi Dench came into the classroom and performed the scene right in front of their eyes. But even the three smart people in the class were bored.
After English we had math. That was boring, but of course it was fucking boring. If it wasn't boring, it wouldn't be math.
Then we had lunch. Which I had to fight to keep down, because Ray and Chris were right in front of me, kissing, again. I dealt, though. Not like they'd notice if I threw up my internal organs, anyway. Good thing the cafeteria food is better this year. No more mystery meat, and they have vegetables besides ketchup, too.
Then I had study hall. Which was okay. Nothing much to say about study hall. You sit there, you finish your homework in ten minutes, then you write for forty minutes. Or, if you're one of the dumb fucks, you sit there, you try to figure out how to hold a pencil for ten minutes, then you try to remember how to write for forty minutes, then the bell rings and saves you from a mental meltdown. Too bad for me.
Then it was art class, which was pretty good. The new art teacher knows his shit. We're doing pencil sketches this week, and he gave me some good tips. Not as good as Mom, but, hey. He's here, and Mom's not, and I'll take the help. He even managed to get Tony "The Shaved Gorilla" Aspen to produce a sketch that was recognizable as a human being. I guess he can do miracles.
Then it was science class, which was okay. We've got a new science teacher too, and he's kinda cool. Kept going on about how much fun science could be. Nobody was paying much attention, until he blew up a test tube. Not fucking kidding. He was just talking along, people weren't paying attention, then he suddenly shouts "Watch this!" and grabs the tube from the experiment thing with electrodes and water and shit where it was set up, and holds it upside down over a burner. Then just BANG and suddenly there's glass all over the front of the room, and he's laughing his ass off, and Tony is fucking shouting about how his face hurts. Turns out he got a splinter of glass in his cheek, or something. That was fucking funny as hell. Tony was bitching about how his dad would sue the school or some shit. Then Mr. Merah takes him aside for a second, and after that he's real calm. So that class was okay.
Then it was time to go home. Ray said he could give me a ride, but I said it was cool, since I rode my bike today. Not that he cared, since that means he and Chris can make out on the way home all they like.
Fuck this bullshit. Ray's been my best fucking friend since grade five, and Chris has been my neighbor for ever. So why do I feel so fucking ratched about them hooking up? This is stupid. This is so fucking stupid. It makes me want to SCREAM. Why the FUCK does she love him and not me. I'm right here, Chris. Why the fuck can't you see me? Dammit. This day sucks balls.
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